Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark
With Pronunciation Guide
Absalom (ab-sah-lom): The planet where the Akli runes/digits were initially discovered or created.
Alki Runes (al-kee): Also known as Alki Letters, Numbers, or Characters. Maths that control nature via the manipulation of nature and a planet’s soul.
Alqimir (al-keh-meer) (female): Kilabashri panther Darkling. God of Astrallis, closest companion to Anu’ver’os.
Anu (an-ou): The word for death in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon. Nickname of Anu’ver’os.
Anu’ver’os aka Anu (an-ou-ver-ohs) (male): Kilabashri canine Darkling. God of Astrallis.
Apepi (ah-peh-pee) (male): Darkling snake. God of Lower Astrallis.
Astrallis (astral-iss): The Realm of Souls created by Saham’a’iel. A place for the spirits of the dead to spend their eternities, and for the living who astral travel to visit.
Astral projection/travel: A method where living humans’ souls leave their bodies, whether on purpose via meditation or Majics, or nautally during sleep.
Athos Antolin (a-thoh-s, ant-oh-lehn) (male): Husband of Sylva Nya. Father of Thestra. Acolyte of Saham’a’iel.
Azornathitan aka Azor (ae-zohr-nah-thih-tan) (male): The first of three founders of The Great Library of Azornathitan. Home planet Moria orbits the dark star Gekka.
Bashri (bah-sh-ree): Word for mankind/humankind in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Belex (bee-lex): Sohrakia-born Octopus-like Darkling.
Bridge of Sighs: Crosses over The Sea of Ash, connecting The Mortal Realm with The Realm of Souls. Path for all souls into Astrallis. Dead souls can only cross one way, to remain in Astrallis for the rest of their eternities. While Astral Travelers (traveling souls of the living) may cross both ways.
Cafa (kah-fah) (male): Marauder who attacked Thestra and her Darkling friends.
Dae (day): Word for soul in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Dahan’a’iel (dah-hahn-ah-eel): One of three Seraphon “Light Bringers” tasked with guarding Outer Darkness after Saha’a’iel’s fall.
Darkling: A being gifted with, and altered by Dark Matter, or created directly from Dark Matter.
Dhofar (doh-far) (male): Leader of the Village where Saham’a’iel is taken in after his fall.
Diek (deek) (male): Marauder who attacked Thestra and her Darkling friends.
Dravyn (drae-vin) (male): Human changed into a Darkling by drinking Thestra’s blood.
Ela’mah’dai aka Ela (eelah-mah-die): God, The First, The First Thought, The I Am, The All, The Great Creator. Ela “wakes” and Light Matter bursts forth. The duality that is and knows. The singularity that manifests multiplicity. The sum of Ela’mah’dai: is = (1) + knows “he” is=(2). All existence, having sprung from Ela = dark, Ela’s self-awareness of all = Light. Eternal Mana: Soul energy from which Majics are drawn.
Eternal Realm: Realm of Light where the Seraphon reside.
Eternals: Ela’mah’dai and the Seraphon. Beings that will always live.
Eyvie (ee-vee) (female): Attendant to Saham’a’iel from the Dhofar village.
Felushous Mordochai (fell-oo-shuss, mohr-dohk-eye) (male): Majin in the neighboring village to Sylva & Athos’ home, assists Saham’a’iel.
Frenachian aka Frena (fren-she-ahn, free-nah) (male): (Borrowed with permission from Ruth Davis Hays’ Jorthus book series). Satyr sage that hails from the Jorthian cluster. One of the three founders of The Library of Azornathitan.
Fuorn (four-n) (male): Marauder who attacked Thestra and her Darkling friends.
Gekka-Moria (gekah, mor-eeah): Home planet & star of Azornathitan. Gekka (planet) Moria (star).
Great Reflector, The: Id, the first Sohrakian Darkling created by Sohrn’o’rak. A mirror entity that reflects the true self.
Haltesqr (hal-tess-kr) (male): Falcon Kilabashri Darkling. A god of Astrallis made by Anu’ver’os.
Hebaqara (hee-bak-quah-ra) (female): Cow Kilabashri Darkling. A god of Astrallis made by Anu’ver’os.
Hexations: Spells, magical works, incantations. Hi-Maja: The highest level of Majin. Iel: Word for light in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Id aka The Great Reflector (like “hid): Mirror Darkling, the first of Sohrn’o’rak’s creations.
Immortals: Lower beings, like humans, who are gifted with exceedingly long lives by Eternals. Will not live forever, but nearly so.
Isnard (iz-nahrd) (male): Dhofar villager, acolyte to Saham’a’iel.
Kila (kill-ah): Word for dog/canine in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Kilabashri (kill-ah-bah-shree): Animal or non-human creature/human hybrid Darklings.
Kitillia (kit-ill-eea) (female): Sohrakian Sprite Darkling.
Kostrikis (koh-strike-iss) (male): Sohrakian Dragon Darkling.
Kurban (k-urban) (male): marauder who attacked Thestra and her Darkling friends.
Lahan’a’iel (Lah-hahn-ah-eel) (female): One of the three Seraphon “Light Bringers” tasked with guarding Outer Darkness after Saha’a’iel’s fall.
Lapis (lap-iss): Scrying bowl used in Majin practices.
Lightbringers: Seraphon trio assigned to guard Outer Darkness after Saham’a’iel’s fall.
Lower Astrallis: Where troublesome, sinister souls go upon death.
Mah: The word for thought in the Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Majic/Majics (Magic): Magical skills used by Majin including spells, incantations, and scrying. Utilizes the power of Eternal Mana to facilitate spell casting.
Majin (mah-jean): Magician, Mage, Sorcerer, Wizard.
Makika (mah-kee-ka) (female): Troublesome gang member from Dravyn’s village.
Moh’ak’iel (moh-ah-keel) (male): Seraphon from the distant past who was cast out for messing with Dark Matter. Created the Propektis Formuli to rip a tear in the veil between The Dark Realm and The Mortal Realm.
Monmika (mohn-meeka): Sohrakian Darkling, created on the shores of the Sohrakian Sea.
Moogie (moo-gee) (sexless): Mushroom Darkling.
Mortal Plane: Terrestrial Realm where all galaxies, planets, and mortals reside.
Naji (nah-gee) (male): Leader of the village where Felushous Mordochai lives.
Natprepella Plant (nat-preh-peh-lah): A weed that when imbued with knowledge can be eaten by anyone to gain said knowledge.
Nethers: Shadow children born of Sohrn and Thestra’s clones.
Oahal’a’iel (oh-hahl-ah-eel) (male): One of the three Seraphon Light Bringers tasked with guarding Outer Darkness after Saha’a’iel’s fall.
Orkatis (or-cat-ihs): Rare Majin skeleton key capable of opening nearly any locked magical item, door, etc.
Orza (or-zah): Kilabashri Manta-like Darkling. Outer Darkness: Realm of Dark Matter before Sohrn’o’rak creates Sohrakia.
Prayer of the Acolytes: Devotional verse written by his acolytes, initially created to Saham’a’iel, but changed to the praise and supplication of Ela’mah’dai per Saham’s wishes.
Propektis (pro-pek-tihs): Tome of Majics (ex: Propektis Sylva or Sylva’s spell book, Propektis Formuli, Moh’ak’iel’s Dark Matter Tome of mathematical spells).
Putaha (poo-tah) (male): Darkling architect and builder for Astrallis.
Quaylar (quaee-lahr): A recording method that utilizes a special shewstone formed of ancient, arcane Majics.
Rajul Alkalb Almuqadas (rah-jool, ahlk-ahlb, ahl-moo-kah-dahs) : Exalted dog-man.
Rak: Word for Dark or Darkness in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Saham’a’iel aka Saham (sam-ah-eel) (male): A Seraphon who was assigned to guard the veil between Outer Darkness and The Realms of Light. Tempted by The Dark he was eventually cast down to The Mortal Realms. Also known as The Seraphon and The Fallen Seraphon.
Salsalassa (sahl-sahl-ah-sah) (female): Kilabashri snake Darkling. Wife of Thetrasat.
Saulkuset (saul-kou-set) (male): Kilabashri mantis Darkling.
Sea of Ash: Preternatural Sea composed of the ashes of all death. It flows from the Mortal Realm into Astrallis. May be crossed by taking The Bridge of Sighs.
Schlix (sh-lix) (female): Kilabashri bat/dog Darkling.
Sekamet (sehk-ah-met) (male): Kilabashri lion Darkling. A god of Astrallis.
Sekrit (sehk-reet): Also known as Speed of Will. Mode of instant travel, moving at the speed of thought, used within the Dark Realms.
Shakil (shah-keel) (male): Dhofar villager, acolyte to Saham’a’iel.
Shork (sh-ork) (male): Vaguely catlike Sohrakian Darkling.
Siax (s-eye-x) (male): Dhofar villager, acolyte to Saham’a’iel.
Simjara (sem-jah-rah): Planet where Moh’ak’iel was cast out, where he hid his sacred tome, The Propektis Formuli.
Sirak (see-rahk) (male): Kilbashir Spider Darkling.
Sladin (slay-den) (male): Dhofar villager, acolyte to Saham’a’iel.’
Sohrakia (sor-ak-eea): Dimension of Dark Matter, ordered into form and created by Sohrn’o’rak. Formerly Outer Darkness.
Sohrn (sore-n): Word for "born" in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon. Nickname of Sohrn’o’rak.
Sohrn’o’rak aka Sohrn (sore-no-rahk) (male): “The Dark Lord”. Born of The Dark Seed that Saham’a’iel fashioned. God and creator of Sohrakia.
Sylva Nya (like “silver) (female): Mother of Thestra. Majin priestess.
Souval Eshkashe (soo-vahl, esh-ka-she) (male): Leader of Saham’a’iel’s acolytes.
Terrasan: The planet where Saham’a’iel is cast down.
Terrestrial Plane: The realm where all galaxies, planets, and mortals reside.
Thes (th-ehs): The word for unique in The Eternal Language of the Seraphon.
Thestra (th-ehs-trah) (female): Darkling. The first mortal imbued with Dark Matter.
Thetrasat (theh-trah-sat) (male): Kilabashri snake-man Darkling.
Thrakkus (th-rahk-us) (male): Leader of the marauders who attack Thestra and her Darkling friends.
Thusian Cluster (thoo-see-an): Galactic home of Tulks.
Tulks (t-uhl-ks) (male): Hails from the Thusian galaxy. One of three Founders of The Library of Azornathitan.
Vaksa toh nali (vax-sah, toe, nah-lee): A portion of the Prayer of the Acolytes, meaning, “Your will, may my fate be”.
Zorfa Threshold (zor-fah): A magical method used to fold space/time to travel to any place instantaneously.
Zorfa Vorrakotahu (zor-fah, vor-ak-oh-ta-hoo) (male): Founder of his own Majin sect and creator of the Zorfa Threshold.
The Devil’s Conquest
Pirate Slang and Old World
Nautical Terminology.
All Hands Ahoy: All hands on deck.
Anchor “Brings yer arse to anchor”: Sit down.
Anon: At once.
Arse: Ass, butt, rear end.
Aweigh: Raise the anchor. Aye: Yes
Bawd: Woman in charge of a brothel.
Belay: Stop.
Belly Timber: Food, especially meat.
Bent on a Splice: About to get married.
Bilge Rat: Derogatory term for another pirate.
Bilge Water: Used in slang for talking rubbish. “Lad’s spoutin’ bilge water.”
Black Gentleman: Scoundrel.
Black’s the White o’ Me Eye: A sailor expletive when insisting he’s being truthful.
Bladder: Irritating, chattering fellow.
Bleddy: Cornish way to say ‘bloody' to emphasize a point.
Bluely (to come off): Bad luck, to miss a prize. “Aye, a bluey run she were.”
Blunderbuss: A gun with a short, large caliber barrel flares out at the muzzle and is used with buckshot and other projectiles of similar quantity or caliber.
Boff or Boffing: Have sex.
Boot-topping: Hurried and partial cleaning of ship’s hull.
Booty: Loot stolen from another ship.
Bottle-head: Idiot or fool.
Brigantine: A twin-mast workhorse ship, favored by pirates for maneuverability. Holding 100 crew, up to 100 tons, 80 feet long and mounting 10 cannons.
Bring a Spring Upon Her: Turn the ship about, another direction.
Bully Beef: Meat such as port and beef packed into barrels and salted to preserve it while at sea.
Butcher’s Bill: Slang for the dead and dying littering the deck after battle.
By Guess and/or By God: Navigation which relied on intuition, guesswork, experience, and the almighty God.
Captain Grand: A haughty or ‘hoity-toity’ individual.
Catgut Scraper: Any of the ship’s band’s fiddlers.
Catting: Chasing harlots.
Clap of Thunder: Strong drink, like a shot.
Coffer: Chest of treasure.
Colours Tied to the Mast: Meaning a ship would not surrender and a fight was inevitable.
Culverin: A standard 3-ton cannon taking 18-pound cannon balls.
Con, Cun: To direct or guide, as in guiding the person at the ship’s helm.
Crack Jenny’s Teacup: Spend the night in a house of ill repute.
Cutlass, Cutlash: Short curved sword ideal for close range fighting on the deck.
Dance the Hempen Jig: To be hanged.
Dance the Jack Ketch: To hang.
Dar: Short for darling.
Dirk: A ling thin knife favored by pirates for fighting, throwing and cutting rope.
Doughboys: Hard dumplings made from a quarter pound of flour and boiled in seawater.
Dutch Courage: Alcohol giving bravado.
Dutch Auction: Everything is backwards.
Double Dutch: Gibberish.
Drunk with a Continuado: Days of drinking nonstop.
Eez: He’s. “Eez a tall ‘un.”
Free the ship: Bail or pump water out.
French King (to have seen): To have been blind-drunk.
Galleypepper: The soot and ashes that fell into pirates’ meals from the cooks open fire in the galley or kitchen.
Gammy: Lame.
Georges: Gold coins.
Get Spliced: Get married.
Glory Hole: A small enclosed space where unwanted items were stowed.
Gone by the Board: Anything lost overboard, which was typically irretrievable.
Grapnel: A light anchor with very sharp flukes, which could be thrown at the ship to be boarded. The barbed flukes hooked into the ship, where difficult to extract and pirates would climb the attached ropes.
Grog: Alcohol.
Grog Shop: a tavern or pub.
Grommets: Ship’s boys used for menial tasks, novice seamen.
Half-slewed: When the yards, which carry the sails, are improperly braced, faltering and swaying in the wind. Also referring to drunkenness.
Hard as Brazil: Extremely tough, stemming from the shipping of Brazilian hardwoods.
Hardtack: Ship’s biscuits made of flour and water, which could last for months if stored properly.
Heave To: Set the sails to counteract each other so the ship stayed almost motionless.
In His Boots: Dead-drunk.
In the Offing: A ship spotted at a distance, meaning now something might happen.
Jack Ketch: The Hangman.
Jolly Boat: A small, ship’s boat typically latched at the stern.
Kill-calf: Murderous ruffian, a butcher.
Kill-devil: The most popular, very strong rum in Port Royal.
Kiss the Wooden Lady: To be forced to stand facing the mast with arms around it and wrists lashed together.
Laced Mutton: A wanton woman.
Lad or Laddie: A young man.
Laid Up: A ship that is moored or being repaired. Not fit to sail. Also, referring to be sick in bed.
Lanyard: Short line of rope or crossed sashes pirates wore to hold pistols, knives, daggers and so on.
Lap-clap: To become pregnant.
Long Clothes: Loose fitting clothing that could be worn ashore. Loose clothing on a ship could get caught in things, so typically sea clothes were tight fitting.
Long Splice: Marriage.
Lower the Boom: To lower the boom on someone was to halter their ambition or reprimand them severely.
Mud Hook: Slang for anchor.
Musket: Single-shot rifle.
Nay: No
Piss Money Against a Wall: Waste money on alcohol.
Punch House: Brothel where alcohol was served.
Rapscallion: A mischievous person. A derogatory term for a pirate.
Rest on One’s Oars: Suspend one’s efforts.
Rosewater or Rosewarter Sailor: Incompetent officer.
Rumbullion: Demon offspring of Rumfustian. Huge vats filled with molasses, skimmings of overripe fruit, a minimum of water and a liberal splashing of sulfuric acid and allowed to ferment for 8 days. Only the most foolhardy drank more than one mug.
Rumfustian: A popular hot pirate drink blended from raw eggs, sugar, sherry, beer and gin.
Salt Horse, Salt Junk: Slang for salt beef carried in casks of brine water.
Sand-Glass: Like an hourglass.
Scalawag: Rascal, person who behaves badly, but in a funny or endearing way.
Schooner: Easy to handle, fast, two-masted ship. Popular with pirates in the Caribbean in the 18th century.
Scotch Coffee (Lobscouse): Salt beef boiled up with ship’s biscuits, potatoes, onions and some vinegar.
Shellback: An old experienced pirate.
Shot-plug: A cone shaped piece of wood, which was hammered into holes made by enemy cannon fire into the side of the ship to temporarily repair leaks.
Sling Your Hook: Unpopular shipmates were told to go elsewhere.
Slewed: Drunk.
Sloop: A fast, single-mast ship. Fastest boat of its day and handled well in shallow waters. A favorite of pirates and smugglers.
Snap Arms!: Fire! As in firing off canons.
Son of a Sea Cook: Bold seaman.
Splice the Mainbrace: Pass a round of liquor to the ship’s crew.
Spoils: Booty, loot, prize, goods plundered from other ships or gained in other means.
Squiffy: Tipsy
Sundowner: Slang for bullying officer on board ship.
Swabber: Keeps deck of a ship clean by scrubbing or “swabbing.”
Swallow the Anchor: Leave piracy.
Tricorn: A popular pirate hat having the brim turned up on three sides.
‘Un: One “That ‘un’s a bit slow.”
Wellied: Drunk
Wench: Woman. Specifically a woman of the night, or a derogatory term for a woman.
Ye: You
Sources: The Pirate Dictionary, Terry Breverton, Pelican Publishers, Louisiana, 2006. Lewes Pirates: Pirate Glossary of Terms: Buy Rope: Pirates Online: _Expressions, Google search.